Coachella 2012 Street Style

Because I lived vicariously through everyone else at Coachella via the awesome Youtube live stream the weekend before last, I decided to also pretend as if I were a street style blogger there. So, I’ve compiled my favorite looks from Coachella, courtesy of real street style bloggers :).

I love music festival/concert style. It’s the only time you’re able to go completely hippie/wild child/bohemian and not look like you’re behind the times because you’re constantly surrounded by a cloud of purple haze. Whenever I go to concerts, I just put the wildest outfit together that I can imagine and I know no one will judge me for it. That’s what concerts are for! And, you know, great music.

One day I’m going to make it out to California for Coachella and these are exactly the types of outfits I plan to run around and be freeeee in.


Open back shirts/dresses are definitely a smart way to stay cool in the middle of the desert.


Flower crowns and milkmaid braids. Enough said.


Horizontal and vertical stripes in black and blue are really unexpected.


Leather and pattern.


This outfit is everything. Leopard print is everything.


So feminine and sexy. Polka dots and lace are two of my favorite patterns.


Red hair, red lips, and red fringe.


For the record, I hate rompers. This photo is ALL about the hat. I love hats.

What would you wear to Coachella?

City and Colour

My friend shared this song with me over the weekend, and I’ve become obsessed. I had never heard of Canadian artist City and Colour before, but he is quite talented. He plays acoustic and folk music, which is kind of my favorite style of music.

Interestingly enough, he was the guitarist and vocalist for Alexisonfire, which is a band I used to listen to in high school and is quite different from his solo act. Also, how cool is the name City and Colour? It just rolls off the tongue.

I’m sharing the same song she showed me, “The Girl.” It’s really a very sweet love song from 2008. But you should definitely check out some of his other songs and fall in love.

Francesca Woodman Photography

Last week, I mentioned seeing an exhibit featuring Francesca Woodman’s photography at the Guggenheim in New York. Since then, I’ve researched her and her work more and I really love it. Francesca committed suicide in 1981, when she was only 22 years old so these are photographs taken largely while she was a student at RISD.

I don’t consider myself an art critic, I just know what I like and each of these photographs says something different to me. How do you like them?

Friday Favorite: Tacos

Lately, I’ve been ridiculously obsessed with tacos. Last weekend, I ate tacos all three days. I’m not talking about Americanized tacos, I mean Mexican tacos with corn tortillas. Tacos from Agua Linda, in particular. I get the Traditional Mexican Taco trio with carnitas (pork). Oh. My. God. They are so delicious. Unfortunately, they’re photographed in a styrofoam container because I ordered them to-go for lunch while I was at work.

Shredded pork, onions, cilantro, and lime on a corn tortilla.

If you live in Athens, GA or ever visit Athens, you have to eat there. They pride themselves on being the most authentic Mexican food in the city, and from my research (I love mexican food, so I’ve tested just about every restaurant) it is the closest to authentic but it’s still suited to the American palate.

Happy Friday! Eat a taco :)

Ladies Who Lunch Between Classes

Aside from the fact that one of downtown Athens’ most popular restaurants has an 84 health rating (eww), I really enjoyed my food. I didn’t see the health rating until I was leaving so my opinion of my food wasn’t affected by it.

My good friend Taylor at The Misadventures of a 20-Something Cook invited me to lunch at Trapeze and of course I agreed. I never turn down a chance to eat good food. The interiors were fine enough, not very decorated, it has more of a tavern feel.

I ordered the Beer and Cheddar soup and it was so delicious. I was afraid it might be too rich and I would get tired of it, but I definitely didn’t. It’s garnished with bits of bacon that add a smoky flavor, too.

And then, the universe was smiling down on us because we kept seeing people with Ben and Jerry’s ice cream cones and realized it was Free Cone Day. So, being us, we immediately jumped in line. I decided to try something new, since I wasn’t paying for it, and got the Americone Dream, which was good (I mean, it’s ice cream, come on). It’s vanilla ice cream with caramel and chocolate-covered waffle cone pieces. It still doesn’t beat out Cherry Garcia though.

All in all, it was a pretty successful afternoon :)

New York, New York

Wow, it’s been awhile. I blame school. I guess I’ll update about my trip to New York over spring break with my bestie Amanda at Ice on the Gold. The only problem is that I’m an idiot and I left my camera charger at home, so I only have a couple of iPhone pics. Sigh.

My view from the hotel. The illuminated building on the left is the Empire State Building.

Van Gogh's "Starry Night" at the MoMA.

Andy Warhol, "Gold Marilyn Monroe" at the MoMA. So fitting because we watched "My Week with Marilyn" one night at the hotel.

Sarah Lucas, "Smoking (Self Protraits 1990-1998)."

Theodor Kaufmann, "On to Liberty" at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

These are just a couple of my favorites and as you can see I didn’t really take pictures of the actual city. I wish I could have taken pictures at the Guggenheim because they had this really cool exhibit, John Chamberlain: Choices, which consists of three dimensional abstractions using car metal to make colorful, complex sculptures. Also, a Francesca Woodman exhibit that blew my mind. She pretty much became one of my new favorite photographers.

Aside from museum hopping, I shopped, I ate (really well), and I visited with my cousins. It was a good couple of days.