New York, New York

Wow, it’s been awhile. I blame school. I guess I’ll update about my trip to New York over spring break with my bestie Amanda at Ice on the Gold. The only problem is that I’m an idiot and I left my camera charger at home, so I only have a couple of iPhone pics. Sigh.

My view from the hotel. The illuminated building on the left is the Empire State Building.

Van Gogh's "Starry Night" at the MoMA.

Andy Warhol, "Gold Marilyn Monroe" at the MoMA. So fitting because we watched "My Week with Marilyn" one night at the hotel.

Sarah Lucas, "Smoking (Self Protraits 1990-1998)."

Theodor Kaufmann, "On to Liberty" at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

These are just a couple of my favorites and as you can see I didn’t really take pictures of the actual city. I wish I could have taken pictures at the Guggenheim because they had this really cool exhibit, John Chamberlain: Choices, which consists of three dimensional abstractions using car metal to make colorful, complex sculptures. Also, a Francesca Woodman exhibit that blew my mind. She pretty much became one of my new favorite photographers.

Aside from museum hopping, I shopped, I ate (really well), and I visited with my cousins. It was a good couple of days.